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International partners’ meeting held in Huelva

From 25th till 27th October 2022 Erasmus+ program project “Development of a Subsystem for the Assessment and Recognition of Qualifications Acquired in the Work of Specialists in the Transport Sector” international partners’ meeting was held in Huelva, Spain at INERCIA DIGITAL premises.

Participating partners:

  1. Vilniaus technologijų ir inžinerijos mokymo centras (TECHIN) (Lithuania)
  2. Lietuvos vežėjų sąjunga (LVS) (Lithuania)
  3. Kvalifikacijų ir profesinio mokymo plėtros centras (KPMPC) (Lithuania)
  4. Nodibinājums "Smart Minds" (Latvia)
  5. Fundacja Centrum Umiejętnosci Praktycznych (FCUP) (Poland)

In the meeting partners approved:

1) Methodology for describing competencies / qualifications acquired in work

2) Manual of procedures for the assessment of competencies / qualifications acquired in work

3) 5 professions described according recommended structure for competencies / qualifications acquired in a person's work description:

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