• Projects


Better career guidance in Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking Industries (BetterCareer)

From 1st November 2021 till 31st October 2022 the Foundation Smart minds together with 2 partners from Estonia and Latvia implements Erasmus+ programme KA2 Small-scale partnerships in school education Project “Better career guidance in Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking Industries (BetterCareer)” (Project No.2021-1-LV01-KA210-SCH-000031207).


Mechanical engineering and metalworking industry play a crucial role of European economy. One of the main challenges of the industry is lack of skilled specialists. Survey, which was made on November 2020 by Latvian and Estonian mechanical engineering and metalworking associations, shows that 40.7% 7-9 grade pupils in general education in Latvia and  34.5% pupils - in Estonia still haven’t decided where they will continue their studies. Therefore, it is important to inform the young generation and wider society about the mechanical engineering and metalworking industry to and to attract future specialists to the mechanical engineering and metalworking industry.


Project’s main aims are:

1) To provide comprehensive, modern and interesting career guidance materials about mechanical engineering and metalworking industry, related education and qualifications in Latvia and Estonia;

2) To train career guidance consultants, STEM teachers and other educators and specialists in general education institutions about career prospects in mechanical engineering and metalworking industry.


Project’s main results are:

1) Established interesting career guidance materials about mechanical engineering and metalworking industry in Estonian, Latvian and English;

 2) Trained at least 50 (at least 25 per national country) career guidance consultants and specialists of general education about career possibilities in mechanical engineering and metalworking industry.


Target groups:

1) Career guidance consultants, STEM teachers and other educators and specialists in general education institutions;

2) 7-9 grade pupils in general education institutions; 

3) Wider society, as well as people living in rural and remote areas.



1. Merkuur OÜ (Estonia) - https://www.merkuur.eu;

2. Tehnobuss Latvija (Latvia) - https://www.tehnobuss.lv.


More information: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/projects/search/details/2021-1-LV01-KA210-ADU-000034001.


Project results:

1. Presentation about mechanical engineering and metalworking industry in Estonia and Latvia in English;

2. Presentation about mechanical engineering and metalworking industry in Latvia in Latvian;

3. Presentation about mechanical engineering and metalworking industry in Estonia in Estonian;


4. Videos in about mechanical engineering and metalworking industry in Estonia in Estonian: 

4.1. Presentation about mechanical engineering and metalworking industry in Estonia in Estonian;

4.2. Video about mechanical engineering and metalworking industry in Estonia in Estonian;

4.3.  Video about mechanical engineering and metalworking industry in Estonia in Estonian;


5. Videos about professions in mechanical engineering and metalworking industry in Latvian: 

5.1. Video about welder profession in Latvian;

5.2. Video about CNC operator profession in Latvian;

5.3.  Video about mechanical engineering technician profession in Latvian.


For further information, please contact us by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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