From 1st November 2021 till 31st May 2023 the Foundation Smart minds together with training and human resources center Samerimpeks Impulsi DOO Skopje from The Republic of North Macedonia implements Erasmus+ programme KA210-ADU Small-scale partnerships in adult education Project “Promoting new adult education opportunities at local level (Adults@local)” (Project No.2021-1-LV01-KA210-ADU-000034001).
According Eurostat, 6.6% adults aged 25-64 years old in Latvia (2020) and 12.7%- in the Republic of North Macedonia (2016) participated in learning, from those 76% were from urban areas and only 24% from rural areas in the Republic of North Macedonia. Local governments and adult learning coordinating staff can play crucial role in promotion of adult learning, especially tackling those people with fewer opportunities, including people living in rural and remote areas, people facing socio-economic difficulties.
Project objective is to promote adult education at local level by development of recommendations for improvement of adult education coordination and governance at local level.
Project’s main results/activities will be:
1) Preparation of 2 national country reports and comparative analyses about adult learning coordination, governance models, good experiences at local level in English;
2) Preparation of 3 future models of adult learning coordination and governance at local level in English;
3) Preparation of recommendations for adult education coordination and governance at local level with country specific recommendations in English, Latvian and Macedonian.
4) Organization of 2 discussions in each country, interviews and project’s dissemination activities.
Project will provide tools, practices, policy priorities, steps, job description of adult learning coordinator, "future steps' to promote adult education at local level. All project results will be discussed with stakeholders to align them with their needs and visions.
Project target group:
1) Adult learning providers and their staff;
2) Career guidance specialists, adult learning coordinators and other specialists who work with adults with aim to promote their participation in education;
3) Local municipalities, local employers and other stakeholders who is and could be involved in coordination of adult learning;
4) Adult learners;
5) Adults with in challenging learning situations (potential adult learners).
1. Samerimpeks Impulsi DOO Skopje (The Republic of North Macedonia) More:
In December 2021, the foundation Smart Minds conducted a survey about adult learning coordinators. Results are available HERE.
In May and June 2022, the foundation "Smart minds" (Latvia) and Samerimpeks Impulsi DOO Skopje (North Macedonia) developed national report of Latvia and North Macedonia about adult education in local governments, including information on adult education policies, legislation in the countries, survey results on adult education coordinators in local governments their job duties, job responsibilities and required skills. Reports are available in English.
Report on adult education in local municipalities in Latvia.
Report on adult education at the local level in North Macedonia.
Conclusions from the 16 March 2023 discussion on the promotion of adult education in municipalities.
More information:
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